Empowering Female Farmers: Breaking Barriers with the Kgodiso Development Fund

In the heart of Kalbasfontien Farm in Vanderbijlpark, a remarkable journey unfolds—one of passion, perseverance, and triumph against adversity. Meet Nolundi Msengana, a trailblazing female farmer who has defied societal norms and shattered barriers in the male-dominated world of agriculture. From livestock to crop production, her dedication to excellence and commitment to innovation have earned her recognition and acclaim in the farming community.

For Zelda Masoga, the path to success in farming was anything but easy. In an industry where women are often marginalised and underestimated, she defied societal norms and persevered against all odds. Despite facing pressure to abandon her dreams, she remained steadfast in her commitment to farming. Masoga’s operations are in the potato belt within the Capricorn District of Limpopo, renowned for its superior quality potatoes.

The entry of the Kgodiso Development Fund (KDF) into both Nolundi and Zelda’s farming journeys marked a turning point—a beacon of hope and opportunity in a landscape fraught with challenges. With its nominal interest rates and unwavering support, the KDF has provided these women with the resources and confidence that was so pivotal to their success within the tough agriculture industry.

As a staunch advocate for gender equality, Zelda implemented systems to challenge gender-based stereotypes and create a more inclusive work environment. By empowering women to serve at executive levels, she shattered barriers and paved the way for others to follow.

Zelda emphasises the critical importance of access to funding and land for female farmers. Through streamlined processes and reduced red tape, she believes that women can unleash their full potential and make significant contributions to food security and economic growth. Since partnering with the KDF, her life as a farmer has undergone a remarkable transformation. No longer just a ‘woman in farming’, but now recognised as a reputable farmer, her success speaks volumes. From small-scale operations to semi-commercial endeavours, the growth has been undeniable.

For Nolundi, the ultimate goal is to make a meaningful impact on food security and employment opportunities. With mentorship, exposure to companies like PepsiCo, one of the largest food and beverage companies in the country, and a steadfast commitment to growth, she envisions a future where women play a leading role in shaping the agricultural landscape.  Supporting women in agriculture, not only ensures affordable food access but also promotes economic growth and stability within our communities.

Looking ahead to the future, both their journeys serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to female farmers everywhere. Through resilience, determination, and the support of organisations like the KDF, they have defied expectations, shattered barriers, and emerged as pioneers in the sector. With unwavering dedication and a vision for sustainable growth, they are poised to make a lasting impact on food security and economic prosperity for generations to come.



About the Kgodiso Development Fund

The Kgodiso Development Fund is an independent fund founded by PepsiCo Inc. The Fund aims to support the broad socioeconomic imperatives of education, SMMEs, emerging farmers and enterprise development across PepsiCo’s value chain.